Sunday, August 5, 2012

Java Errors when using the Test Connection feature in Primavera P6 Administrator

Java Errors when using the Test Connection feature in Primavera P6 Administrator while testing connection from Directory Services or Database Eventing (Primavera Deployed on Weblogic)

Sample Screenshots of errors:

While Configuring Directory Services for Database Eventing, most likely you want to test the connection using the “Test Connection” feature in the P6 Administrator Thick client (Right click and select Test Connection).  Oracle Documentation is pretty clear in terms of how to configure the Directory Services and Eventing but they simply forgot to mention that if we need to use the Test Connection feature in the P6 Administrator we need to copy the wlfullclient.jar in to $PRIMAVERA_HOME/lib directory and update the CLASSPATH in or adminpv.cmd file.

If you already have a wlfullclient.jar in any other environments running on the same version of weblogic, you can copy it otherwise follow the below instructions to generate your own wlfullclient.jar and then copy it to the $PRIMAVERA_HOME/lib directory

Steps to generate the wlfullclient.jar  (Oracle Documentation)
Use the following steps to create a wlfullclient.jar file for a client application:
1.       Change directories to the server/lib directory.
cd WL_HOME/server/lib
2.       Use the following command to create wlfullclient.jar in the server/lib directory:
java -jar ../../../modules/com.bea.core.jarbuilder_X.X.X.X.jar
where X.X.X.X is the version number of the jarbuilder module in the WL_HOME/server/lib directory. For example:
java -jar ../../../modules/com.bea.core.jarbuilder_1.0.1.0.jar
3.       You can now copy and bundle the wlfullclient.jar with client applications.
4.       Add the wlfullclient.jar to the client application’s classpath.

After you generate the wlfullclient.jar, copy it to the $PRIMAVERA_HOME/lib directory and update the classpath to include the jar.

 Your updated classpath should like below

"%JAVA_COMMAND%\java" -classpath "%PVLIBDIR%/prm-console.jar;%PVLIBDIR%/prm-bpm-common.jar;%PVLIBDIR%/prm-common.jar;%PVLIBDIR%/resource_strings.jar;%PVLIBDIR%/prm-infr.jar;%PVLIBDIR%/prm-bo-admin.jar;%PVLIBDIR%/prm-initializer.jar;%PVLIBDIR%/ojdbc6.jar;%PVLIBDIR%/spring.jar;%PVLIBDIR%/sqljdbc.jar;%PVLIBDIR%/xml-apis.jar;%PVLIBDIR%/xercesImpl.jar;%PVLIBDIR%/xalan.jar;%PVLIBDIR%/serializer.jar;%PVLIBDIR%/commons-logging.jar;%PVLIBDIR%/log4j.jar;%PVLIBDIR%/mail.jar;%PVLIBDIR%/jide-common.jar;%PVLIBDIR%/jide-grids.jar;%PVLIBDIR%/prm-enm.jar;%PVLIBDIR%/wlfullclient.jar" -Dadmin.workingDir="%PV_HOME%" -Dadmin.console="n" %PRIMAVISION_OPTS% com.primavera.admintool.AdminApp

After the Copy, the Test Connection Feature should work fine and you should see the below screens.


Thursday, August 2, 2012

BAM-01257 Error while drilling down to reports in BAM Active Viewer

Users reporting BAM-01257 Error while drilling down to reports in BAM Active Viewer

  1. Login to the BAM as administrator ( http://hostname:<bam_server_port>/OracleBAM )
  2. Click on the Architect View
  3. On the Left Hand panel select the DataObject (Default is system) that the user is referencing for the Reports

    4.  On the right hand panel select the permissions

    5. Click on the edit permissions and selct the user that got the above permissions error and give them atleast the read privileges. Save

    6. Request the user to retry it again
